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Rosangela Yazbec Sebba was only six-years-old when she first sat before the ivory keys of a piano. A native of Brazil, Sebba and her siblings were required by their mother to learn music and a foreign language, English, to expand their individual and cultural development and prepare them for a brighter future.

For the professor of music, that background would provide the inspiration leading to a long and successful career. While still a high school student, Sebba won a national musical competition in Brazil. At Federal University in Goias, Brazil, she earned her bachelor's degree in music and piano performance while working as a full-time performing musician.

In 1994, after teaching the State Conservatory for six years, Sebba came to the United States to pursue master's and doctoral degrees, arriving at Mississippi State in 2001.


Dr. Rosângela Sebba combines an active concert and teaching schedule, and is noted for her lecture-recitals and research in Brazilian music, specifically the music of M. Camargo Guarnieri. She has given recitals, master classes, and lectures in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Costa Rica, England and Spain, including national and international conferences such as, the College Music Society, International Villa-Lobos Conference, London International Piano Symposium, LIII Música en Compostela, and International Double Reed Society. During the 2015 summer, Dr. Sebba spent 6 weeks as a consultant, teacher and artist for the International Piano Performance Examination Committee in Taiwan, where she evaluated over 1,300 students.

She is on the board of the Golden Triangle Music Forum as Secretary and District Audition Chair for Pre-College Evaluations and is currently in the Mississippi Arts Commission Artist Roster and Fellow. Dr. Sebba serves as Professor of Piano, Theory and Ear Training and is MSU Piano Area Coordinator for the Department of Music.

Her CD album Eight Sonatinas and the Sonata for Piano Solo by M. Camargo Guarnieri was released in 2010 and it has been featured at WWFM, on the classical piano program The Piano Matters.

"I have long wanted to do something not only for Camargo Guarnieri, but something that would also pay homage to the cultural background of my country," Sebba said. "Recording this collection was an opportunity to preserve culture and the cultural background of my country."


In the fall of 2008 Dr. Sebba took a sabbatical leave moving to New York City. While there she took classes at the Juilliard School and was invited to perform at David Dubal’s lecture at the Cervantes Institute, which was broadcasted on WQXR.

As a committed proponent of contemporary music, Sebba released a chamber music CD on the Centaur Label, with works by Stravinsky, Bill Douglas and Shandy Phillips. The CD is a premier of a trio for piano, bassoon and clarinet and a quartet for piano, bassoon, clarinet and violin. 

Rosângela Sebba is a Steinway Artist:


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